This Week In College News:  Here’s our list of the 10 most trending topics

1:  Most watched  shows on streaming services during lockdown.

“The list represents the 10 most in-demand series for the month of April across all major steaming platforms including Netflix, Disney+, DC Universe and Hulu.”

2:  Travel in Europe has resumed, but confidence is still nonexistent .

Borders and business are reopening, even as politicians and scientists warn that new waves of coronavirus infection might be on the way”.


3:  Recent fashion trends have echoed an era of 90’s pop culture.

“Thanks to a sudden spike in late 90’s pop culture, the decades best looks have become the focus of a new nostalgia”.

4:  Lockdown has given people the opportunity to improve on their cooking skills and recipes.

“Indo-Chinese dishes you can make during lockdown are plentiful, all that’s required is patience and a little bit of creativity”.  

5:  Colleges are adapting to the aftermath of Covid-19.

“The Chronicle is tracking individual colleges’ plans, with most saying they’re planning for an in-person fall semester”. 

6:  The pandemic has left many students wondering whether or not they’ll be able to get an internship.

Companies in several industries like accounting, legal, and computer programming are still hiring”.

7:  Following the global Black Lives Matter Movement, The Quaker Oats Company has announced it will change the name and image of Aunt Jemima due to enforcing racial stereotypes.

Aunt Jemima brand to change name, removing image that Quaker says is “based on a racial stereotype”.


8:  Coronavirus has left the world in a state of inaction, with many feeling this will greatly affect their health.

“Our guide on how to stay healthy during lockdown looks at some ways to keep on top of your mental and physical wellbeing”. 

9:  A second wave of Covid-19 is still s strong possibility, but we can learn lessons from Asias response to the first wave.

“Coronavirus ‘second wave’: What lessons can we learn from China?”.


10:  The U.S economy in still suffering from Covid-19, but many businesses are thriving during an unprecedented time.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has ripped through the U.S economy, with many non-essential businesses shut down. Yet, some businesses. Those we rely on most. Are still going strong. And many are thriving” .